
To a Transcendentalist, simplicity is honest beauty. The beauty derives itself from being natural and fitting in perfectly with the natural environment. There is nothing complex about a blade of grass (unless you are a biologist working at a fertilizer producing company), especially compared with the movement of a Rolex Submariner. Another difference lies in the fact that the latter is useless in nature, whereas grass has a purpose and serves it. Although nice to look at, the Rolex does little to influence the world around it, besides rushing its wearer to wherever society deems (damns, according to Transcendentalists) him to go. Thoreau emulated a simple lifestyle, as reflected clearly in Walden. He asserts his belief that "A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone" (76). Although this does not necessarily mean to give up on society like Chris McCandless in Into the Wild, it does not mean its a bad idea. The simplicity of living in a bus may be the most beautiful thing to a Transcendentalist; although it should be noted McCancldless died from it. Despite this, the single best way to live this simple life was through living naturally. This does not mean spending money on organic food or a new expensive hybrid. Instead, it means planting your own garden, which Thoreau proudly exclaims he did with bean plants at Walden Pond, and using your own energy, like using a bike or your feet for travel, which Thoreau also did. Now this simple life belief is admired in many places, whether it be during the heyday of Transcendentalism or with Biggie Small's "Mo Money, Mo Problems", yet the most successful simple people have taken solace in nature. This may be due to the fact that nature is untouched by the ills of society and is one of the only definite things in our lives. Regardless, the simplicity of nature and fitting in was one of the main tenets of Transcendentalism.